Prime International

Selvol Ultalux FA Polymer Guide

Cosmetic Grades for Personal Care Application

Selvol Ultalux FA polyvinyl Alcohol (PVOH) provides performance and functionality in face masks and peel, BB creams, Anti-Aging creams and lotions, dedorants/Antiperspirantsand scar treatment formulations.  Ultalux FA offers a defined spectrum of performance attributes formulators require to manufacture select  personal care products effectively. As part of the Ultalux range of PVOH, The FA grade is tested for high quality and purity and is verified as non irritating on skin.



Selvol Ultalux FA Application Chart

Application Selvol Ultalux FA
Anti -agging
Body Wash
Brow Make-up
Ethnic Hair Care/Weaves
Eye Lash Glue
Eye Liner
Eye Shadow
Hair Styling Gel
Pore Strips
Scar Treatment
BB Cream
Lip Liner
Nail Polish